Akira was an ordinary boy from Japan until a tragic accident caused his untimely death. Awakening in the presence of a god, Akira is given a second chance at life in a fantasy world, equipped with an AI in his head and unique abilities. With his modern knowledge and newfound powers, Akira sets out to rise in this new world, facing monsters, uncovering secrets, and challenging fate itself. His journey is one of transformation, as he evolves from a regular boy into a formidable hero, destined to leave an indelible mark on the world.
Latest Release:
A Storm of Blood .
Gambits and Deceptions .
Negotiations .
The Gathering Storm .
Shadows of Conspiracy .
- 1 Chapter 1
- 2 Chapter 2
- 3 Chapter 3
- 4 Chapter 4
- 5 Chapter 5
- 6 Chapter 6
- 7 Chapter 7
- 8 Chapter 8
- 9 Chapter 9
- 10 Chapter 10
- 11 Chapter 11
- 12 Chapter 12
- 13 Chapter 13
- 14 Chapter 14
- 15 Chapter 15
- 16 Chapter 16
- an The End an
- ar The Librar
- en The Awaken
- g Awakening
- t Crafting t
- f Cavern of
- he Day of the
- o The Dawn o
- on Foundation
- t Building t
- hi Establishi
- er The Butler
- en The Serpen
- de A Good Ide
- I Crafting I
- le The Battle
- o The Dawn o
- d Plans and
- The Raid
- p The Raid p
- om The Outcom
- on Reflection
- S Building S
- Ma The New Ma
- P Maid’s P
- f Chains of
- ng The Mining
- s Akira’s
- et The Secret
- Surprise
- 's A Butler's
- er The Butler
- in Reawakenin
- er The Master
- ma Transforma
- le The Circle
- o Whispers o
- of Shadows of
- er The Gather
- io Negotiatio
- an Gambits an
- of A Storm of